Wednesday, February 12, 2020



An angel dressed in a uniform holding Indian flag came out of the blue, to rescue a kid who has no clue,

The kid was crying, said I'm tired of trying,

My parents are dead, terrorist came and shot them at head,

Nowhere to go, I found a river and decided to go with the flow, 
I drowned, I frowned,

Soldier gave his hand, making the kid stand,

Said you are not alone, we Indian Army will be your backbone,

The lonely lad grow up to be an army man,

Patriotism in his blood, enemies considered him as flood,

Serving his motherland, his all wishes came to an end,

The soldier is never off duty is truly a beauty.

Image result for indian army imageImage source: Google 

No more words but just grateful to the Indian Army.

Do share your precious views.
With love,
The Solemn Writes<3

Some talks


Being together was our success,

People were so emotionless,

They made us depress but we found an access which we only possess,

You were my prince and I was your princess,

It was hard to process but we made a great progress,

The gratitude we express made everyone jealous,

Cause those malarkey to other was our success.

Related image
Image source: Google

Have you ever been so lost, so in love with someone that what other people said didn't mattered?
Or have you been in love, so in love that you don't know what you are talking, you don't know the reason behind your actions, you are consumed in the imaginary world?

The talks with no base, the fights, the make-up, the judgments of other people are all a part and parcel of a relationship. This Valentines work hard to amend the wrong, spread love and talk peace.

Word and their meaning:

Malarkey - non-sense
Part and parcel -  an essential piece which must be accepted as a part of s
Amend - to improve

Spread kindness and do share your precious views.
With love,
The Solemn Writes<3

Friday, February 7, 2020



Let me savor this moment,

Let me believe in magic,

Let me see life from different perspective,

Let me not hide my imperfections,


Just a meaningful advice to myself.

 Acceptance of oneself is the biggest success. 

Do share your precious views.
With love,
The Solemn Writes<3

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Oh that's my EXCUSE


In the life full of hurdles, I found so many puzzles,

Some to be completed, some to be degraded,

Running away by giving excuses, I uncovered different muses,

Emphasizing on my intuition, here I unveil my writing addiction. 

Image result for puzzle
Image source: Google 

What is your passion?

Your passion- it could be singing, designing, acting and anything. But the main question is , "What exactly are you doing about your passion?"
Passion gives you zeal, it pushes your limit, it enhances your perception and it gives you a desired life.

Work for your passion, fight for your passion.

Words & their meaning:

Hurdles - a perceived obstacle
Muse - source of inspiration
Intuition - the feeling that makes you believe something is true without being able to explain why

Do share your precious view.
With love,
The Solemn Writes <3

Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Hiding in my demons, I never knew the changing seasons,

I craved for your existence, tried to find myself in the absence of your presence,

Rejecting everything I was worth for, I didn't realize I was starting a world war,

A war where my world was within you, the warriors were my mind and my heart which I thought only belonged with you,

But with the sudden hit of reality, I discovered my new personality,
A non-existent me, with the capabilities of sea, not an almighty but an evocative me, Haunting but Beautiful is the new me.

Ever been at the stage of your life, where everything you do was to please a single person, but even after fighting every battle, you found yourself alone?

Related image
Image source: Google

You felt dejected, unworthy but you must realize it is the TIME.

Time for your soul to rejuvenate,
Time for your mind to correct every mistake,
Time for your heart to jubilate.

Word and their meanings:

Evocative- something that evokes(brings to mind)
Rejuvenate - to become young/new again
Jubilate- to show happiness
Do share your precious views.
With lots of love,
The Solemn Writes

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Uncertain Love Life

Are you a beautifully broken person?

I cried all night, bearing this pounding headache,
With every word you said, I feel my heartache,

All I wanted was to go in a deep slumber, but like always I couldn’t,
All I wanted to forget the memories I remember, but like always I couldn’t,

With every ounce of strength left in me, I hoped I would calm down,
But every time the thought of forgetting you made me frown,

I looked around, I knew I deserved better,
Someone who will not make my heart scatter,

But, who will make this soul understand,
There is only one person it can stand,

From the very moment when I heard you say I love you,
My mind, my heart, my soul realized it was meant for you,

Related image
Image source: Google

Days passed, showing your true emotion,
No doubt you loved me, but in a variant passion,

The pain I felt each day, was left unobserved,
With passing days I made myself more reserved,

When noting down my thoughts, I realize what I have done,
Were your words so powerful that made me yearn,

To be in my life whenever you wanted,
To leave me behind, whenever you desired,

I am now nothing but a broken person,
Whose utmost desire is to be a nothing but a prudent person.

Word & its meaning:
Prudent-  careful  

Adjust the pronoun according to you tho'.
Share your lovable views.
With love,
The solemn writes <3 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Uncertain Life

LIFE - What is the first word that comes in your mind?

Will you be creative or just attractive?
Will you want to be a slave or have decided to be brave?
Will money be your priority or happiness with serenity?
Will you be sad and lonely or elated with your family?

Will life for you be organized or will it always be haphazard?
Will there be only problems or just some uncertain solution?
Will you be ever united or like always scattered?
Will everyone follow the daily grinds or someone will go with their intuition?

Will there be understanding or jumbled muddling?
Will everyone would show off or someone will say buzz off?
Will there be faith in karma or giving attention to some drama?
Will everyone always prefer living in disguise or someone will stand up & say no to this advertise?

Ask yourself:
What would you do?
What would you choose?

Related image
Image source: Google

The meanings of few new words are:

Serenity - Peace
Elated - Happy
Haphazard - Unorganized
Daily grinds - Rat race
Muddling - Confusing

Hope you will give a thought to this "thought".
Do share your precious views.
With love,
The solemn writes <3